Monday, May 27, 2013


We all come in contact with people every day with one common need.  We need love.  I see actions of women that scream “somebody, anybody, everybody just love me”!  Show me some love!!!!!!!!!!  Unfortunately for some the only love they’ve known has been hurtful and disappointing, has left them wounded, afraid, and with feelings of guilt and worthlessness.  I’m on a mission.  I just want to reach one or two or three or however many the Lord takes me to and tell them “YOU ARE LOVED”!  I want to meet God right where He’s working in someone’s life and say to them not only are you loved but you are LOVE!  BECAUSE GOD HIMSELF CREATED YOU IN HIS IMAGE!  It is time, pass time to cry out to all who will listen “You are somebody, you are loved and no one can define who you are except the ONE WHO made you!

Let’s look into the image of God’s love and define what’s there.
Love – is know by the action it prompts.  Jesus’ actions spoke clearly and loudly of His love for us.  Love is attitude toward others that is void of one’s self.  It’s all of
1Corin. 13 and above all it is John 3:16, Love Never Fails.  Love encourages, gives hope, heals, builds up, forgives, and always points to God.

Being created in the image of God 1John 4:16 tells us, is being created in the image of Love because God is Love.  When we speak of Him, or think of Him we’re comforted and encouraged.  His love is what draws us to Him and keeps us coming back for more! 

Not only are we created in the image of love, WE ARE THE BELOVED OF GOD! 

God’s affection toward us is infinite, His love is tender, merciful, long suffering, unfailing, and there’s more than enough to go around!

1John 3:1 tells us how great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!

Just think of your favorite lotion, perfume, even a bar of soap.  Do you use it sparingly or do you just lavish it on?  Now we probably use these things sparingly because we want them to last as long as possible.  Not so with God's love.  God just keep pouring it on.  As long as we are open to receive He keeps it coming.  I believe there have been times in my life when I wasn't open and didn't trust Him that He continued to LOVE me.  What a loving giving God! 

There's more to come on this subject!  Be open to His Spirit. 

Prayer:  Lord I need to be loved.  I need a love that is honest, trustworthy and healing.  Help me to know and understand who You are and who I am in You.  Help me to see Your image clearly that I may receive the great love that you have to lavish on me. 

1 comment:

  1. Hallelujah! God's love never fails! Oh, how He loves us!
